Anyone who owns a Poodle knows they’re not just the prim and proper stereotypical caricature portrayed in modern culture. While these dogs are brilliant, easy to train, and hypoallergenic, Poodles are also notorious for getting up to mischief. As a result, you may be asking yourself if a Poodle would be a suitable apartment or condo companion for you or your family.
Poodles can live in apartments or condos, regardless of size. Poodles make excellent indoor pets due to their high intelligence and lower energy needs than other similarly-sized dogs. Poodles should be housetrained, regularly exercised, and well-groomed to acclimate to indoor living properly.
Read on to learn what you will need to know before considering a Poodle for your apartment and condo, making your home perfect for your new Poodle, and training your dog to acclimate to life in your apartment or condo properly.
Are Poodles Good Indoor Dogs?
Poodles are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. They are known for their intelligence and loyalty to their owners. Poodles come in three sizes – toy, miniature, and standard. But do all three sizes make great indoor dogs?
All Poodles make excellent indoor dogs. Poodles are quiet, gentle, and require minimal exercise to stay healthy. However, most Poodles will need to be house trained to help them acclimate well to smaller living environments.
A great behavioral training course can help when you want to begin training your dog. I found a fantastic training system called Brain Training for Dogs. I like the private member’s area, where I can connect with other dog owners and get solutions to issues I have with my dog’s training. If you need any behavioral training at all for your dog, I would highly recommend this course! Check it out here to discover how this program can aid your training efforts.
Poodles are intelligent and easily trained so that they can be well-behaved indoors. They also have a reasonably calm temperament, making them suitable for seniors, families with small children or other pets.
Few other dog breeds have all the factors that Poodles do that make them better indoor dogs.
If you happen to live in a small apartment or condo, you will need to exercise your Poodle regularly.
Even though these dogs tend to have moderate energy levels, you can not avoid exercising your Poodle, as it can lead to depression and unhealthy weight gain.
Even taking a short walk each night with your dog will provide a sufficient level of exercise, and it will not take much of your time. Try to take your Poodle out every day to a park or for a long walk to help ensure that it is getting all the necessary exercise to live happily in your apartment.
Are Standard Poodles Good Apartment Dogs?
While toy and miniature Poodles may be the better choice for apartment living, standard-sized Poodles are also a great option when living in a smaller living space.
Standard Poodles make excellent indoor dogs. They’re relatively quiet, and their coat is hypoallergenic, making them ideal for those with allergies. Additionally, Standard Poodles require minimal exercise, as they’re content to take a few laps around the apartment or condo or go for a short walk.
Since the standard Poodle is of more significant size than a miniature or toy poodle, it won’t have as much space to move around in the apartment living space. This results in excess energy that needs to be released. A simple solution is to take your Poodle out for a long walk/jog/run, or even swimming.
As long as you take your dog out for daily exercise, the excess energy won’t result in destructive behaviors inside the apartment or a sick and stressed-out pet. A standard Poodle who is well trained, regularly exercised, and adequately groomed can be very happy in an apartment.
How to Train Your Poodle for Apartment or Condo Life

Poodles are one of the most popular dog breeds globally, and for a good reason. They are intelligent, playful, and make great companions. However, Poodles can also be high-energy dogs that require a lot of exercises. This can pose a challenge for those who live in apartments or condos, where space is limited.
Fortunately, there are several ways to train your Poodle to be comfortable and happy in an apartment or condo. With patience and a little effort, you can have the perfect furry friend for life in a small space.
Here are a few tips for training your Poodle for apartment or condo living:
1. Start with basic obedience training. This will help your Poodle follow basic commands, such as sit, stay, and come. It will also help them become more comfortable with you as their owner and leader.
2. Get your Poodle used to walking on a leash. This is important for apartment or condo living, as your Poodle will likely need to be walked on a leash when going outside.
3. Teach your Poodle some basic manners. This includes things like not jumping on people, not barking excessively, and not begging for food.
4. Exercise your Poodle regularly. This is important for all dogs, but it is especially important for Poodles. A tired Poodle is a good Poodle, so make sure to give them plenty of exercise.
5. Give your poodle plenty of attention. Poodles are social creatures and need lots of attention from their owners. Make sure to spend plenty of time playing with, petting, and training your Poodle.
Training your Poodle for apartment or condo life isn’t as complicated as you may think but does require some time. Even though Poodles typically start as fairly good apartment dogs, they still need the training to settle in as indoor pets fully.
Be patient as you train your Poodle for apartment life, as it can be a time-consuming task, depending on your Poodle’s personality. Usually, poodles are easy to train and take minimal effort to instill good behavior. Sometimes though, they can be challenging to train since they are brilliant dogs and prefer to do whatever they want.
There are many things that poodles need to be trained on to ensure that they are fully ready for apartment life. However, each dog is different, so create the best training plan for your Poodle. You know your Poodle and its needs better than anyone else, so always go first with your dog’s needs.
Training Your Dog to Be Accustomed to Noise
If you have a poodle that is not used to loud noises, getting them accustomed to the sound can be challenging. Dogs that are not used to loud noises may become scared, run away, bark excessively, and become agitated.
Here are some tips on how to help your Poodle get used to loud noises:
1. Start by exposing your Poodle to low levels of noise. This can be done by playing soft music or turning on the television at a low volume. Let your Poodle get used to the sound before gradually increasing the volume.
2. If possible, expose your Poodle to the noise they will hear regularly. For example, if you live near a construction site, take your Poodle for a walk near the area so they can get used to the sound of the machines.
3. Reward your Poodle for remaining calm in the presence of loud noise. This will help them associate positive experiences with the noise and make them more likely to remain calm.
4. If your Poodle does become scared or agitated, do not punish them. This will only make the problem worse. Instead, try to remain calm and reassuring and provide them with a safe place to retreat to if they need it.
With patience and time, you can help your Poodle become accustomed to loud noises and minimize their fearfulness. If you have any concerns, please consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for further guidance.
This is a big issue for Poodles because they are relatively easy to startle and can be skittish dogs. They also have potent senses, especially hearing. This makes it easier for them to hear everything going on around them, which can be both good and bad.
The best way to train your Poodle to become used to noise is simply exposing the dog to different noises around your apartment. You can accomplish this faster by introducing your Poodle to new people and things around your home whenever you take your dog out for a walk.
Training Your Poodle Not to Bark
One of the most bothersome parts of keeping a dog in an apartment or condo is that there are so many opportunities for your dog to bark at things, from the random noises at night to vehicles driving past your apartment to people coming and going. These external stimuli will most likely cause your dog to bark daily.
While some barking is ordinary and even necessary, excessive barking can be a nuisance to you and your neighbors. If you’re struggling with a poodle who just won’t stop barking, you can do a few things to help train them to bark less.
Follow these steps to keep your Poodles barking to a minimum:
1. Keep them exercised. Poodles who are bored or have a lot of energy are more likely to bark excessively. Ensure they’re getting plenty of exercise every day, including a long walk or run, playtime in the yard, and mental stimulation in training or puzzle toys.
2. Establish a “quiet” command. Once your Poodle is calm and not barking, give the command “quiet” or whatever word you want to use for it—immediately following the command with a treat. With enough repetition, your Poodle will learn that the “quiet” command means they should stop barking, and they’ll be rewarded for doing so.
3. Don’t punish them for barking. Yelling at your Poodle or punishing them for barking will make them more anxious and likely to bark. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement when they do stop barking.
4. Reduce their exposure to things that trigger their barking. If your Poodle is constantly barking at the mailman or other passersby, try to keep them out of sight of the trigger as much as possible. This may mean keeping them in another room or crate when someone comes to the door.
5. Talk to your vet. If your Poodle barks excessively and can’t figure out why or how to get them to stop, it’s good to talk to your vet. They can rule out any medical causes for the barking and may be able to recommend a behaviorist or other professional who can help you train your Poodle.
Bark Inhibition training can help train your Poodle to stop barking at the different noises it hears. You can work this into part of your daily schedule with your Poodle and make it a regular occurrence for at least a month or two.
It is not necessary, but it can help with the training of your Poodle and make it go faster.
Choose a place in your home where you and your Poodle can hear noises from the outside and sit down together. Listen for noises together, and every time you notice your Poodle getting ready to bark at a noise, stop them. How you do this is up to you, but eventually, you should be able to train your Poodle to stay quiet with just a word.
Be sure to reward your Poodle after each session, or if you prefer, reward it each time it listens to you and does not bark. You should be careful how desensitized you make your Poodle noises, especially if you want it to alert you when someone you do not know enters your home.
House Training a Poodle in an Apartment or Condo
Housetraining your Poodle puppy is something you should do right away. That way, you don’t have a mess all over your apartment. Make sure to have a designated spot for your Poodle’s business so that they know where to go each time.
When you see your puppy about to squat, scoop them up with their bottom tucked and placed them on a potty pad, or get them outside to their designated spot. You can consider your first victory just teaching them where to go. The second victory will teach them to hold it until they make it there. Remember to reward them for going when and where you want.
For more detailed information, read the Potty Training a Poodle Puppy article. In it, you’ll learn exactly what steps to take to train your puppy like a professional.
Potty Pads
When you bring a puppy home to your apartment, you might get them started with potty pads to train them that there are good and bad places to relieve themselves. Avoid placing the pads in their crate because you don’t want them to learn to hide when they go. Otherwise, you’ll find “accidents” in your closets or dark corners. It’s best to place pads near a door to a balcony, so they get used to going to the door when they have to go.
Balcony Potty Spots
If you have a balcony and you’re on a higher floor, you might consider a little grassy patch for your friend to access their business quickly. These are easy to build, or you can order one online from Amazon here.
Once you have housetrained your Poodle, watch for their cues for needing to be let out. Sometimes they will pace in a circle or stand in front of the door, scratching, whining, or barking at it, letting you know they need to go to the bathroom.
Some owners will place a bell on the door handle and teach their dog to nose it. This helps you hear them even if you’re not in the same room. And make sure to respond to their request to go to the bathroom every time, so they know you’ll be there for them.
If your puppy has an accident in the apartment, promptly discipline them with a quick “no!” and turn your attention away. Lack of attention is a hard enough punishment for most puppies. You want to use a cleaner with enzymes to remove stains and destroy the urine or poo smell to clean it up. You don’t want to lose your deposit as hard as potty training can be.
Training a Poodle Tricks in an Apartment or Condo
As mentioned in this article, Poodles are brilliant dogs, making it easier to train them to do tricks or perform basic household tasks (like getting a soda from the fridge).
There are simple and easy things that you will want to teach your Poodle first, such as its name. To train your poodle puppy to respond to its name, look in their eyes, motion them towards you, and say the name in a calm and welcoming voice with a treat. Repeat this gesture several times. Then, try saying their name when they’re off guard. If they respond, give them a treat and praise.
Next on the list is to train your Poodle puppy to learn how to sit. This trick is relatively simple to do. Take a treat in your hand, hold it by your Poodle’s nose, and lift it slightly above your Poodle’s head; your puppy’s bottom will automatically go down to the ground. Then tell them to “sit” so they associate the word with the action. Remember to treat and praise when they do it right! Training your Poodle to lie down is a little different but a similar approach.
Have your puppy sit as you hold a treat in your fingers to learn to lie down. Move your hand to the ground in front of their face. They will follow the movement. Once their belly is on the ground, say the words, “lie down.” Now your puppy knows two basic tricks!
To learn how to stay, have your poodle sit, move away, and say the word “stay.” Try using a “stop sign” hand signal, and then repeat the process while awarding a treat for each successful time. You can follow the same method for the command “come.”
You should also teach your Poodle not to jump on strangers or neighbors, training them not to bark when you aren’t home except for if an intruder comes into the house. It’s up to you to prepare your Poodle with different learned behavioral traits.
Ensure to reward and discipline your Poodle appropriately when doing right and wrong. There are also plenty of pet training classes that you can sign your Poodle up for, so look into taking some of these practical classes if you don’t want to learn how to train your puppy on your own.
Establishing Routines is Vital in an Apartment or Condo
Another vital thing to do when you bring a Poodle into your apartment or condo is to set routines. Every day you and your Poodle should follow the same routines to ensure that your dog becomes used to what is expected of them at certain times of the day.
Your own needs will guide your daily schedule regarding your Poodle, but there are some key aspects that you should include in any daily routine. You and your Poodle can make the most of each day and live a happy life together in your apartment or condo by having these elements.
Some good daily routines for your Poodle include:
- Potty breaks – Having regular bathroom times for your Poodle will save you a lot of frustration because the dog will know when it can be expected to use the bathroom. Try not to miss any of these times, especially when starting with the training, as it may confuse your Poodle.
- Excercise – Make sure you have a daily routine set for exercise and walks. This way, your Poodle will get into knowing when it can expect to let out its pent-up energy. Once you get a daily routine set for exercise and walks, you should not mix it up unless necessary.
- Grooming – Each night you should also be grooming your Poodle. This will help keep your dog happy in your apartment, but it will also help keep your apartment free of hair.
- Feeding times – The final daily routine that you should form with your Poodle is feeding times. Daily feeding routines help regulate your Poodle’s health and help make your life easier. Once the routine is set in place, you will no longer have to deal with your Poodle always bothering you to eat.
Indoor Exercises for a Poodle’s Mind and Body

When you are training your Poodle for apartment life, an important thing to understand is the exercises that can be done inside. You never know when you may not get the chance to take your Poodle outside. It can be tempting to skip exercising on those days, but that is not good for your Poodle.
Indoor Activities to keep a Poodle’s Body Sharp
There are many indoor exercises that you can do with your Poodle, and all of them can be done with whatever you have lying around your home. Take some time to learn indoor exercises that will work for you and your current living arrangement, as some activities require larger areas than others.
Some common indoor exercises that most people use are nose exercises. These vary significantly from playing games like soccer to taking your dog for a sniff walk around your home. This type of exercise is excellent if you have a smaller apartment or condo and do not have the room for more active exercises.
Other good physical indoor exercises include:
- Teaching your certain poodle tricks such as rolling over or playing dead.
- Playing with a ball, such as a form of catch.
- Dance with your dog by holding its front legs and standing it up.
Indoor Activities to keep a Poodle’s Mind Sharp
First off, for fun, you can try out puzzles with treats to test your Poodle’s mind. See if they can figure out how to get the treat from under the ball in the muffin pan or shaken out of the plastic bottle through the holes. A Kong filled with peanut butter is a classic, too.
There are other indoor activities that you can do with your Poodle – for example, hide and seek or a fun stairway race, as long as you have the space to do so and it won’t bother your neighbors.
Try setting up an agility course using baskets to have your poodle weave through or jump through a hula-hoop, jump up onto a chair, crawl under a chair, or have them try jumping over a broom.
Test your Poodle’s brain and agility with the agility course or try out new hand signals for different training tricks. To learn about some of these indoor fun tricks, puzzles, and training ideas, check out apartmentguide.com for more information.
Keeping a Poodle Healthy in an Apartment or Condo
All dogs can get sick, stressed, and dirty like any human being. But a Poodle who is getting used to apartment living needs extra attention to their well-being. Watch out for anxious behaviors like panting, paw licking, chewing, or shaking. These are things to talk to your vet about.
Poodle health in an apartment or condo can be a challenge, but keeping your Poodle healthy and happy in smaller spaces is possible.
Here are some tips for keeping your Poodle healthy in an apartment or condo:
- Give your Poodle toys. Make sure you have plenty of toys and playthings for your Poodle to keep them entertained, as boredom can lead to destructive behaviors.
- Get him plenty of exercise. This can be tricky in smaller spaces, but regular walks or runs, trips to the dog park, and even interactive toys like tug ropes can help burn off excess energy.
- Be vigilant about his diet. Poodles are prone to weight gain, so make sure they eat a healthy, balanced diet and not get too many treats.
- Stay on top of their grooming. Poodles require regular grooming, so be sure to brush them regularly and take them to the groomer for trims and baths.
You can help keep your Poodle healthy and happy in an apartment or condo by following these tips.
Regardless of your pup’s size, there are some medical health issues to consider whether you live in an apartment. Poodles can get runny eyes, cataracts, and progressive retinal atrophy, leading to blindness. Poodles can also develop allergies or skin conditions due to an allergic reaction to a shampoo or color reinforcer. Make sure to check the labels of haircare products and consult with a vet before buying anything.
Other common health problems include:
- Hip dysplasia
- Cancer
- Ear infections
- Addison’s disease
- Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
- Von Willebrand’s disease
To help prevent these infections or illnesses, schedule a regular check-up at the vet.
Additionally, You should have your Poodle vaccinated for rabies, distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus, flue, and Lyme disease. Vaccinations are vital when living in a building with many other dogs; you don’t want your dog to spread or catch anything.
NOTE: Some of these diseases are preventable if treated right away, while others are permanent. In some cases, the health problems are due to genetics or caused by your Poodle eating the wrong food brand. For more help and information, visit the health concerns page on the Poodle Club of America website.
Standard Apartment Building Rules for Poodles
When living in an apartment with a Poodle, you must follow the guidelines for living with a pet. First, check with the landlord or the housing website to see if they allow pets. Believe it or not, some places don’t want any animals on the premises. If your landlord allows pets, they will almost certainly have rules you are expected to follow.
Here are some standard apartment building rules for Poodles:
1. Dogs must be on a leash when in common areas of the apartment building, such as the lobby, hallways, and elevators.
2. Dogs are not allowed in any amenity spaces, such as the gym, pool, or clubhouse.
3. Dogs must be kept quiet and not bark excessively.
4. Dog waste must be cleaned up immediately, and bags must be disposed of in a designated receptacle.
5. Dogs may not be left unattended in apartments at any time.
6. Residents must notify the building management if they will be away from their apartment for more than 24 hours to make arrangements for the dog.
7. Residents are responsible for any damages caused by their dogs.
8. Residents must comply with all local, state, and federal laws regarding dogs.
9. All rules are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the building management.
By following these simple rules, residents can ensure that they and their dogs enjoy a happy and peaceful life in the apartment building.
If pets are welcome, you want to check with your landlord to ensure your size dog has been approved ahead of time. Many apartments are OK with cats but not dogs. The flats that are OK with dogs tend to have a weight limit of 40 pounds for non-first-floor apartments. Be sure to Research the weight and size restrictions before being a dog.
Also, though poodles are rarely considered dangerous, ask about breed restrictions. You never know if a landlord has a weird rule like that. If you are considering a new apartment, that sort of rule is the kind of thing that might turn you off from signing a lease.
It is highly likely you’re going to pay a few extra fees to bring your poodle home to your apartment. They’ll likely want a higher deposit for potential pet damage and an expense for maintaining a dog run. Ask about any fees that sound ridiculous, and don’t be afraid to research their legality.
Before you can move in, the landlord or property manager may need to meet your Poodle. So, you want to make sure that your pet is well trained and on its best behavior for the interview.
Because Poodles are very loving and social, many owners have more than once, so they don’t get lonely. Most apartments allow for no more than two dogs, though. If you have a lot of dogs, it might be worth looking to rent a house for them to run around. And if you have a pregnant dog, check with the landlord first before you decide to move in. Even if you plan to sell the puppies, they’ll still be in your home for a few weeks.
How to Make Your Apartment or Condo Poodle-Friendly
Making your apartment or condo poodle-friendly is essential to consider. You will run into more problems down the road if you do not take the time now to fully prepare your home for your Poodle. Once your home is Poodle-friendly, it will take minimal effort to keep it at your needs level.
Here’s how to make your apartment Poodle-friendly:
- Set aside space for your Poodle – Make sure that if your apartment has hardwood floors, a rug is placed in that corner. That will help ensure your Poodle does not accidentally scratch up your floor.
- Find ways to entertain your Poodle while away – Poodles, like other dogs, are susceptible to destructive behavior if they are left alone with nothing to pass the time. If you do not want to come home to your apartment destroyed, get some toys for your Poodle to enjoy.
- House train your Poodle – If your Poodle is still not fully housetrained, it can be good to close the curtains when you leave. This will help prevent your Poodle from getting excited. Poodles are sometimes intelligent enough to find their way outside, so if you give them a chance and they are bored, they may take it.
Is It Cruel to Keep a Poodle in an Apartment or Condo?
Poodles are one of the most popular dog breeds globally, and their popularity is only increasing. Poodles are known for being intelligent, loyal, and loving companions. However, some people worry that keeping a poodle in an apartment may be cruel.
It is not cruel to keep a Poodle in an apartment or condo. Poodles are brilliant and adoptable dogs that can thrive in various living situations. Most poodles are happy living in a small space as long as they have plenty of human interaction and some toys to keep them occupied.
Keeping a poodle in your apartment or condo becomes cruel when:
- You do not take your Poodle out to exercise regularly. Poodles need exercise to stay happy and healthy.
- You keep your Poodle locked up in a cage or other small portion of your home. Poodles make for good indoor dogs because they can handle small living quarters, but they still need plenty of room to stretch their legs and play.
- You are not giving your Poodle the essential care it requires as a living creature, regardless of if your Poodle is in an apartment, condo, or any other living arrangement.
While it is true that a larger home may be better for your Poodle, these dogs are pretty adaptable. A Poodle can be happy and healthy in an apartment with proper care. The key is to ensure that your Poodle gets plenty of mental and physical exercise.
Apartment or Condo Features That Improve a Poodle’s Life

There are certain apartment features that you should consider when it comes to poodles living in apartments. These features are not always necessary for a poodle to live in the apartment, but they can significantly affect how easily the dog can live in your apartment. It can also affect the happiness of the Poodle.
Some apartment and condo features can make a big difference in a poodle’s quality of life.
Apartment or Condo Features that improve a Poodle’s life include:
- A comfortable layout. This is important because if your Poodle needs to use the bathroom, you want to make sure you are close to the outside. Otherwise, you may run the risk of your Poodle having an accident inside. Look for an apartment or condo with wide hallways and doorways, as poodles can be bulky and may have difficulty maneuvering in tight spaces.
- A safe, enclosed outdoor space. This could be a private yard, a dog run, or even a large balcony. Poodles need plenty of exercises, so having access to an outdoor space is essential.
- Ample storage space. Poodles are notorious for shedding, so having a place to store all of their supplies (and your vacuum cleaner!) is a must.
- A location near parks or open spaces. Poodles love to walk, so being close to a park or other green areas is ideal.
- An elevator in the apartment building. This only applies to you if you happen to not be on the first floor of the building. Once again, if you are not close to the outside and there is no elevator, you run the risk of your Poodle using the bathroom inside.
- An apartment balcony. A balcony gives you an extra option if your Poodle has to use the bathroom and you are nowhere near the outside. Just put down some artificial grass so your Poodle can use the bathroom.
With just a little bit of extra thought, you can find an apartment or condo perfect for your Poodle – and you!
Final Thoughts
Whether standard, miniature, or toy size, Poodles are excellent dogs for apartment living. You will have to put in some work to get them used to the smaller living space, but they are brilliant and adapt well to different environments. Although they do require a decent amount of mental and physical exercise, indoors or outdoors, they will stay loyal and love you even in a smaller space.
While looking for a poodle as your companion, keep the apartment rules or guidelines for living with pets. You also may want to have your poodle potty trained before moving into the apartment.
Ensure that you have the proper healthcare and grooming supplies to check online websites or go to your local pet store and ask a worker for recantations for a first-time poodle owner.
When buying food for your Poodle, check the ingredients to get the correct calories and nutritional benefits they need to grow healthy and strong.
With your help, a few treats, patience, and lots of love, your already perfect-sized apartment poodle can live with you in the smaller living space. It will take your time and effort, but a poodle can indeed live in an apartment, even if it is a standard.
Hopefully, this article is a helpful guide for you and your fluffy, loyal energetic, and playful friend so that the two or more of you can live peacefully and happily in your apartment building.
Must Have Products For Poodles And Doodles
Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it helpful. Here are some products that I personally believe every owner should employ to help ensure the best quality of life for their dogs. These are affiliate links, so if you do decide to use any of them, I’ll earn a commission.
But in all honesty, these are the exact products that I use and recommend to everyone, even my own family.
Lemonade Pet Insurance: Lemonade Pet Insurance has enabled me to afford a very high level of veterinary care for my dog, Angus. Even after he was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. Lemonade is a great company, and I can’t recommend them enough!
Brain Training For Dogs: Brain Training for dogs is an amazing online training program I found that actually helped me to understand and ultimately stop my dog’s separation anxiety and destructive behaviors when I left the house. This program actually works, and at a small fraction of the cost of hiring a dog trainer!
Pet Plate: I first learned of Pet Plate when the company was featured on the TV show “Shark Tank” back in 2016. Pet Plate is the dog food subscription service I use to provide extremely healthy, pre-portioned meals for my dog. Pet Plate gives my dog Angus the highest quality nutrition at a very affordable price.
BarkBox: Without a doubt, my dog enjoys Barkbox more than anything else I buy him. BarkBox delivers a customized box of themed toys, treats, and other products to your door each month. In addition, I like that a percentage of proceeds is donated to local animal shelters.
Pawp.com: Pawp is not insurance. It’s a membership program that gives you access to unlimited video calls or texts with a licensed vet 24/7 and includes up to six pets on a single membership! I Purchase this service for my dog Angus and have saved hundreds of dollars over visiting his local vet with questions or more minor health concerns. Pawp will even pay up to $3,000 if your pets experience an emergency situation! Check out Pawp’s website to see why Pawp can help you save money and increase your pet’s quality of care.